Fires involving powders, flakes or shavings of combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium require special extinguishers labeled D.
Fires involving powders, flakes or shavings of combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium require special extinguishers labeled D.
MET-L-X® Extinguisher
MET-L-X is a dry powder composed of a salt base plus a polymer for sealing, and other additives to render it free-flowing and cause heat caking, or crusting.
ANSUL MET-L-X may be used on sodium, potassium, sodium-potassium alloy, and magnesium fires. In addition, it will control and sometimes extinguish small fires on zirconium and titanium.
MET-L-X can be discharged through hose lines and is available in hand portable, wheeled, stationary, and piped system extinguishers ranging from 30 to 2000 pounds.
Shipping Weight: 54 lb (24.5 kg)
Steel Containers Capacity (Plastic containers may be substituted at Ansul’s option): 50 lb (22.7 kg)
Listings & Approvals: MET-L-X is listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use on sodium, potassium, sodium-potassium, and magnesium alloys. The listing includes scoop application, 30 pound hand portable, 150 pound and 350 pound wheeled and stationary extinguishers.
LITH-X® Extinguisher
LITH-X is a compound of a special graphite base with additives to render it free-flowing so that it may be used in extinguishers. It does not cake or crust, but excludes air and conducts heat away from the burning mass to extinguish the fire.
ANSUL LITH-X was developed for use on lithium fires, and will also extinguish magnesium, sodium, and potassium fires. LITH-X will contain, and in some cases completely extinguish, fires of zirconium, titanium, and sodium-potassium alloy.
Shipping Weight: 49 lb (22.2 kg)
Steel Containers Capacity (Plastic containers may be substituted at Ansul’s option): 45 lb (20.4 kg)