Milwaukee Slo-Close Butterball Butterfly Valves BB-SC Series

Fire Sprinkler System Slo-Close, indicating Butterfly Valves rated for indoor and outdoor and potable water systems.

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  • Fire Sprinkler System Slo-Close, indicating Butterfly Valves rated for indoor and outdoor and potable water systems.
  • Provide slow opening and closing properties in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protection and other liquid systems.
  • Are available with or without an internal, pre-wired supervisory tamper switch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, the switches signal movement of the valve disc from the full open position.
  • Are available factory mounted to a valve or as a kit for field installation on previously installed valves.
  • Have switch ratings of: 10 Amps/115 VAC-60 Hz, 0.5 Amps/28 VDC
  • Are equipped with tamper switch assemblies for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Have UL/FM ratings to 175 psi. (Also available at 350 psi and 500 psi with N.Y.C.B.S.A. approval.)