NOTIFIER RLD Remote Display

The RLD is a mimic annunciator for the NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series fire alarm control panels (FACP) or NCD (Network Control Display). This provides the FACP or NCD with remote, serially-connected display. A five inch touchscreen display provides system status, point information, and event counters.

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NOTIFIER RLD Remote Display

The RLD is a mimic annunciator for the NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series fire alarm control panels (FACP) or NCD (Network Control Display). This provides the FACP or NCD with remote, serially-connected display. A five inch touchscreen display provides system status, point information, and event counters. The display shows two events simultaneously, and pages through up to 50 of the highest priority events in the system. The RLD also provides system control with six programmable softtouch buttons as well as Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill.
The N16 FACP supports a maximum of 5 RLDs, configured as a router. These take up one of the 10 available router addresses. The “router” annunciators may be a mix of ACM-30 and RLD units. Each RLD will occupy one “router” address. The RLD does not support peripheral annunciators.

Features of NOTIFIER RLD Remote Display

  • Five inch high-definition touchscreen display
  • Programmer key switch for user authentication, providing the ability to enable the control inputs for acknowledge, silence, reset, and drill.
  • Configurable control buttons that are operational only when key-switch is unlocked
    • Acknowledge
    • Silence
    • Reset
    • Drill
  • Six programmable buttons, each with a descriptor/label, status indicator and configurable action (on/off, disable, enable)
  • Supervision of remote power supply
  • Field programmable using VeriFire® Tools and interactive touchscreen controls
  • USB C Connection

Panel Compatibility

  • N16 Series
  • NCD

Network Options

  • AIO power-limited, two-wire serial communication with N16 or NCD control panels


The RLD mounts in a standard 3 gang electrical box. External connections are the AIO serial communications, 24 VDC power input, and earth ground.
Communication between the RLD and control panels occurs over a power-limited 2-wire AIO serial interface. This communication is supervised by the fire alarm control panel. Each RLD also requires a power-limited 24 VDC power connection. Loss of power to the RLD registers as a communication failure at the control panel. The RLD can also be powered from a power-limited and regulated remote power supply listed for fire-protective signaling use.

NOTIFIER RLD Remote Display Typical Configuration

NOTIFIER RLD Remote Display Typical Configuration