Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems
Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems are designed for applications where piping and sprinklers are subjected to freezing temperatures, such as unheated warehouses, parking garages, store windows, attic spaces, or loading docks.
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Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems are designed for applications where piping and sprinklers are subjected to freezing temperatures, such as unheated warehouses, parking garages, store windows, attic spaces, or loading docks. Valves for the system, however, must be installed in areas not subject to freezing, as this portion of the system does contain water. Pipe lines to the sprinklers are usually pressurized with air, but nitrogen can be used. When pressure in the system is lost by actuation of a sprinkler head, the dry pipe valve trips, activates alarms, and releases water into the system. The system may be equipped with automatic or manual air supply controls and air supervisory devices with appropriate trouble alarms. Accessory items, such as dry pipe valve accelerators that increase the speed of system operation, and pressure switches used to activate electric alarms, may be used to enhance the system.
- Unheated Warehouses
- Parking Garages
- Store Windows
- Attic Spaces
- Loading Docks, & Other Areas Exposed To Freezing Temperatures
Dry System Valves – Devices Diagram